Fraternity Offerings:
Citizenship and Inclusion: We provide ESL classes, arts programs, nutrition workshops, immigration law seminars, and other educational activities to support Latino and minority communities.
Combatting Discrimination: We tackle homophobia and other discrimination through lectures, activities, and inclusive practices, promoting acceptance within our groups and the broader community.
Support Services: We offer referrals to public support, local legal advisors, and assistance for those facing discrimination, while strengthening Latino and minority representation in health and social councils.
Urgent Basic Needs Helping Hands Program
We as a group of volunteers, believe in the urgency to help with emergency food and relief during disasters. Many immigrants arrive in our community with nothing more than the clothes on their bodies. Our fraternity has united with local biker friends to provide over 200 winter coats every winter, and we commit to provide in-home distribution of food and clothing, as well as toys to families in need. We have a gently-worn clothing shop based on donations, that provide for all clothes as needed, we have a small pantry ready to help those who come in need of food. We also have a functional kitchen in which food is offered free of charge to all who cannot afford a warm meal. This is offered once or twice a week, based on the availability of meals, and volunteers’ availabilities.
It’s not just about us! We believe that relief should be provided to all around the globe and Good Harvest has been able to provide relief to Countries such as Haiti, Brazil, Portugal, Many countries in Africa, including funds for the building of homes, donations of clothing, etc. Also, Cape Verde, Madagascar, and Chile.
We must unite as the human race to help those who have nothing. We have been available to those who lose all their belongings in fires, floods, and other disasters.
Commitment To Freedom Of Supplemental Healing Therapies And Social Participation
Our Fraternity is committed to the promotion of equal opportunity and will and combat all forms of discrimination and religious intolerance in the Communities giving full access to all forms of alternative approaches of inclusions. This includes also the availability of supplemental healing and therapeutic modalities such as Ayurveda medicine, music therapy, reiki, meditation, yoga, access bars therapy, energy healing, touch healing therapy, prayer, and imposition of hands, spiritual surgeries, life coaching, social programs that promote, discuss and encourage the preservation of supplemental programs to and assist the community in their quest to inclusion.
A person could use these practices and therapies offered at our organization besides conventional medicine. Thus, we see these holistic healing practices as complementary to conventional care and a key part of integrative healthcare.
Every person is different, so there is no specific formula for holistic healing. Frequently, several treatments, such as nutritional therapy, exercise, and counseling, must be used together to result in recovery.
Spirit Involvement
All the activities provided based on spirituality are always optional and free of charge. No church affiliation is required. We strongly believe that any religious, or faith-based activity should be optional, but should also be available to those who find spirituality to be essential in their inner-growth.
Little attention has been paid to positive emotions and personal strengths such as happiness, hopefulness, love, and peace. A good sense of spirituality promotes self- esteem, improves motivation, and helps people come to terms with powerful inner experiences. Medical studies indicate that spiritual people exhibit fewer self-destructive behaviors such as drugs, alcohol use, gambling, and risk-taking behavior
Promoting Mental Health In Spirituality:
Spirituality is different from religion, but it is often confused with the same since there is no one definition for spirituality everyone can experience it and spirituality help find meaning and purpose in the things valued. We receive visits from various religious representatives who seek to enrich one’s knowledge and choice in their path. Good Harvest has a sector devoted to the study of the Spiritist Philosophy. This philosophy entails the study of the teachings brought about by the French teacher Allan Kardec. It is known as Spiritism. Anyone may choose to study various books or listen to the lectures offered.
It is indispensable to offer our community the means to attend or participate in the less offered philosophical studies. Spiritism is not a religion in the common and dominant meaning of the word religion which carries the idea of priestly hierarchy, ceremonies, privileges and strict dogmas. Spiritism has none of these characteristics. However, is a religion only in the philosophical sense, the word religion means a bond. Thus, a religion in its broad and true sense is a link that reunites men in a communion of feelings, principles and beliefs.
“If so, you shall ask, then Spiritism is a religion? Why, undoubtedly yes, gentlemen; in the philosophical sense, Spiritism is a religion, and for that, we glorify ourselves because it is the doctrine that establishes the bonds of fraternity and communion of thoughts, not on a simple convention but on the most solid foundations: the very laws of Nature.” Allan Kardec
The bond created by religion, whatever its objective, is one of a moral essence that brings hearts together. One does not become a member of our Spiritist Center by paying dues but in practicing compassion and charity as charity is the soul of Spiritism.
Specific Needs For Maintenance And Creation Of Future Projects (Partnership/Sponsorship)
A – Space - Our current space now is a 1200sf rented facility on the third floor of an aging building. We have serious problems in accommodating all who come in seek of help and unfortunately have to turn many away especially during special events. We need a 3000+ facility to be able to open new programs and accommodate all comfortably and safely. We need your help with the donation of a facility in the Newark Ironbound session as a permanent way to help our fraternity or with monthly rent. All in which can be deducted for the fair market value of the property and/or the rental donation.
B – Financial - Though we are made up of an all-volunteer team, there are some costs that we cannot ignore, such as rent, maintenance, products used in classes, etc. A lump-sum donation will secure the continuation of all of our services, or if preferred, a monthly fixed donation may also be arranged. Checks could be made to ‘Good Harvest Fraternal Group’ and given that we are a non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible and serves as an excellent way to give back to your community.
C – Food Supplies & Disposables - We survive mostly from the sales of food donated by our volunteers; however, it becomes overwhelming and unsustainable for a few to feed a volume of over 100 every week. We need fixed or sporadically donations of non-perishable goods and ready to serve food for your Saturday kitchens and monthly Sunday dinners, as well as for special events. We also need pantry food and disposables. We provide food in the capability of what is in our pantry.
E – Legal - We require pro-bono attorneys and accountants to help us with legal counseling, ad financial planning. Pro-bono would eliminate the need for professional fees.
F – Volunteers - We are always appreciative of those who offer their time and talents in the service of others in the various forms offered.
What You Get For Your Donation
A- The satisfaction of true philanthropy but knowing you and/or organization provided for the less fortunate and helped the minority population in our community and beyond integrate in dignity. We also do our best to publish the donation in the local Latino newspaper as our way of expressing our gratitude and allowing the community to be aware of your generosity and purpose.
B- A Sponsorship acknowledgment placard in our entrance wall, for recognition for your donation, this will include your name and pledge. To make your contribution more visible we are pleased to recognize your company in staff meetings as well as our newsletter highlighting your positive business practices.
C- A tax-exempt receipt in the amount of donation, the value of the donation (if non-monetary), or the value of the property at fair market price. We are a legal 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization whose donations are tax exempt. We urge you to consult with your accountant/attorney to ascertain details of how you should proceed.
Fraternity Accomplishments
It is a practice of our fraternity to keep things simple and humble. Gloating over our accomplishments is not our intent. It is, however, a motivator for many to be aware of how 3 became 46 and how thousands have benefited from this amazing team of volunteers and contributors. Below are a few things our fraternity had the honor of making a positive impact:
I- We have clothed 4345 people, being low-income, homeless, or people in a time of event crises
II- We combatted hunger by feeding thousands of people – and continue to do so daily (walk-ins, campaigns, out of Country donations, events)
III- Conducted over 3000 support groups free of charge (includes cancer survivors, domestic violence survivors, HIV, obesity, emotional, psychological, and abusive relationships support groups). We need funds to incorporate additional support groups with qualified moderators.
IV- Offered over 4500 informative lectures, classes and workshops free of charge
V- Offered more than 300 physical fitness, yoga, Pilates, tai-chi classes have been offered
VI- We have a mean transit of 200 people per week, over 500 in event weekends
VII- We operate as a bone marrow registration headquarters
IIX- Other many accomplishments include the financial assistance in building homes in African Countries, Donations of school materials to children in Haiti, donations of clothing to families in Madagascar. Various other crisis resources donated to Countries all over the World.

Spiritual Treatment
Spiritual treatment is a COMPLEMENTARY alternative to medical and therapeutic treatments, and can assist in the recovery of emotional, physical and spiritual balance. Never discontinue medical treatments, medications, or any other treatment you are receiving. Our proposal is to help you incorporate spiritually healthier habits into your routine, keeping you away from harmful energies and closer to wholesome energies and spiritual friends who love you and vibrate on the other side of life for your well-being and / or your recovery. We do not aim to replace the treatment that is already being carried out, we want to show that the cause of the imbalance is not due to chance or lack of luck, but in the urgent need to modify the interior, thoughts, emotions and the vibratory pattern that you is found. True healing, real liberation is within the spirit itself, available to all. The spiritual treatment of the Good Harvest Fraternal Group is NOT CHARGED, does not restrict religious beliefs and has no obligations. However, we have specific procedures that will be explained here:
The result depends mainly on the willpower, seriousness and commitment of the one who is participating in the treatment, that is, the help of spiritual friends is of no use if you do not follow our recommendations on punctuality, continuity, prayer, the gospel in the home, the uplifting reading, and participation in other activities.
On treatment days the participant will receive a SPIRITUAL visit from the team responsible for the treatment that will provide assistance to the dear brother (ã) who requested spiritual help. If you are doing the treatment for someone else, you need permission from the individual being served at a distance, and that during the same time, the attendant retreats to a peaceful environment to receive the necessary help. Due to the volume of calls each one can choose to make the call to the OR or to someone at a distance. We cannot accommodate more than 1 card per person.
The main objective of the treatment is the inner transformation, so during the 6-week period the treatment has to be punctual and without interruptions. We also reinforced the need to participate in studies, groups, and lectures by the Casa. If there is more than 1 treatment failure within 6 weeks, the participant must have a 4-week break before restarting treatment.
Bring a bottle of water and leave it on our table during the study before the treatment, so that the water acquires fluids conducive to inner harmony. Take a little of this water every day. The gospel should also be implemented in the home assiduously and especially during treatment weeks.
Prayer - on the day of treatment, raise your thoughts to God and to the entire spiritual team of Seara do Bem, asking in faith for the benefits you need. Seek a balanced diet during treatment. Avoid using alcohol and smoking on treatment days and, if possible, do not drink during the 6 weeks of treatment.
Sign ups takes place on Saturdays and Sundays at 9:30am - unfortunately we cannot accommodate delays, it will not be allowed to pick up chips for other people or exchange chips. Everyone must sign a form called ‘Release of Liability’ before the first treatment. Watch on Seara's YouTube the lecture entitled 'Diseases and Spiritual Treatment'. It is necessary for the attendee to participate in the 10:30 am support group and remain in our House until 1:30 pm. It is not necessary to receive the pass or fluidized water prior to treatment. Everyone who is undergoing treatment can have their meals in the canteen, so let it be brief and any conversation is of an edifying nature.
Our spiritual doctors start work as soon as the forms are distributed, often after treatment, the attendant may have gone through a spiritual surgical process, so we ask that you stay in the study after treatment until 1:30 pm.
Spiritual Treatment Surgery
Information about the Gospel in the Home:
Good Harvest Fraternal Group recommends that the followers of Spiritism and regulars do a weekly moment of prayer and study in their homes called “Gospel in the Home”. This should be done weekly, preferably at the same place and time. It lasts about 15 to 30 minutes. We are a family owned and operated business. As you commit yourself weekly to make this little moment, the friendly mentors usually accompany and even bring other disincarnate brothers who can come to learn, listen ... This is one of the reasons why it is recommended to speak out loud, even when alone: some spirits they are so deluded that they are still alive, in a heavy vibration, that they only “hear” the voice of the incarnate (for this reason it is sometimes that in certain works mentors use a medium to talk to a spirit that is in another medium, instead to approach it directly in the spiritual dimension). We are a family owned and operated business. When we start doing the Gospel at Home, it is quite common in the first weeks that unexpected visits or strange events appear, and even a certain discouragement. These are opposing forces that try to stop the realization of it ... Be persistent and over time the obstacles will no longer be. We are a family owned and operated business. You can invite people in your home, or do it yourself. A friendly mentor will always be with you, your protective spirit. If you receive visits during opening hours, invite them to participate or ask them to wait for the event with respect.
Do not interrupt because of visits. Specific procedures will be explained here:
1. Choose the day and time of your choice. (e.g., Every Monday at 8:00 pm)
2. Choose a quiet and pleasant room in the house, preferably the dining room.
3. Place a jar of water on the table for fluidization.
4.Failing this, cups can be used, any number corresponding to the members of the Gospel.
5. Say the opening prayer, the one that touches the family feeling more deeply. It can be a ready prayer or a spontaneous prayer, the important thing is, we repeat, the feeling of faith and trust in Divine Protection.
6. Afterwards, do a brief reading of The Gospel According to Spiritism. Comment in your own words on the excerpt read (other members may comment as well).
7.In the beginning there may be some shyness, but, as time goes by, comments will appear spontaneously because the friendly Spirits will be helping to understand the selected texts.
8. To encourage the participation of children or other members, it is convenient to ask them to read spiritist messages from other edifying and easy-to-read books for the group's reflection, always remembering to also encourage, with affection, the comment after reading.
9. Say the closing prayer and pray, as an example, for the peace, harmony, health and happiness of the members of the meeting and everyone with whom they live. Wishing, pray also for the sick, helpless and unhappy of the Earth. Finally, ask for God's blessing for disincarnated family members, without fear.
10.The remembrance of prayer cheers and pacifies those who have left.
11. Serve fluidized water after the closing prayer.
To do the Gospel at Home you will need: A copy of The Gospel According to Spiritism, by Allan Kardec (a support book - Our father, Jesus in the Home, etc.), or another spiritist book of messages; Enough water for one glass per person; A reserved place, where you can sit in silence or with soft background music.

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